Cinema is a bonding between creative and technical ideas. It is the art of moving pictures and is considered the best form of telling a story. It is indeed the most Beautiful, Extra ordinary form of artistic expression. Cinema should make you forget that you are sitting in a theater, It reflects culture and there is no harm in adopting an Idea but not at the cost of losing your Originality.
HDR Play Pictures is a Motion Picture Production House founded by Pratham Sharma on 5th of October, 2015. Situated in West Bengal, We are Involved in the Business of Making Your Story more Efficient and Effective. The Stories Appeal to the Audience, which is the Main Motive of the Company.
The People

Mukta Mala Sharma
Founding Member and Emeritus
Forever in our Hearts.
1981 - 2024

Pratham Sharma
Founder and Managing Director